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Tags : Reading

February 24th 2023

Week 6 : A slight detour, due to an exciting workshop not for public sharing

This week felt like a bit of a detour, but in a good way. Being part of a programme such as ARISE is wonderful as there are carefully designed activities and thoughtfully designed process documents to read. Part of a day was taken up with that side of things.

I've also introduced some dedicated reading time into my week. There are so many interesting papers/preprints to read on MHC:peptide:TCR interactions, and it was good to spend some time reading them rather than just adding them to my reading list!

I was also preparing, attending and writing up notes for a fascinating workshop with immunologists in Oxford. It was a workshop held under a rule of no public disclosure of the contents, so it's inappropriate to discuss, but it was fascinating to see how many of my defined intitial user needs were validated.

Again, another slightly short week due to some annual leave. Looking forward to a week of solid development next week.